Web cam

A webcam is a small camera that connects to a computer or other device via USB or wireless connection and allows for video and audio communication over the internet. Webcams are commonly used for video conferencing, live streaming, online gaming, and video chatting.

Webcams are often built into laptops and external monitors, but standalone webcams are also available for purchase. They come in various sizes and resolutions, with higher resolution cameras providing clearer and sharper images.

Most webcams have a built-in microphone for capturing audio, and many also have features such as automatic focus, low-light correction, and face-tracking technology. Some webcams also have privacy features like a built-in shutter that can be closed when the camera is not in use.

Webcams have become increasingly popular in recent years, especially with the rise of remote work and online communication. They are an essential tool for staying connected with colleagues, friends, and family members, and they offer a convenient way to communicate face-to-face without having to be physically present.

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